Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Being honest with yourself sometimes means disappointing others.

    I've reached the age when I know my limitations. You'd think that would be easy but it isn't. You have to have lived a while to know what you can and cannot do. Some people never figure it out and are constantly walking down dead ends to find they disappoint people hugely. At this point in my life I get the disappointing people over with up front and save time.

    That's not to say I don't stretch myself. I do try and I find new things I can do all the time. Funny thing is looked back at its always clear the THING whatever it might be was always a next step in the progression of something I knew I could do. This blog is an example.

    People tend to say to others, you can do this thing you must be able to do this other. The root skills are the same. I have news for those people. The root skills for everything are the same; work hard, practice, lather rinse repeat. 

    Its the specific skills that tell you that you can do a thing. If you try and push maybe you will pick up those specific skills. It does happen. It also takes a long time to happen. You have to start at ground zero. I've seen enough ground zeros in my life I need to be accepted for what I am. 

    I do have a book with a main character that knows his limitations. 


    Steven Pendergast has an Olympic gold medal for archery hanging on the wall in his living-room. These days he doesn't compete. He teaches middle school gym and feels secretly that he disappoints a lot of people. Then he hears a fairy singing a drinking song in his backyard in the middle of the night. The first night of summer break. 

You can find it here or click the link at the bottom of the page and visit my entire amazon page.

Sunday, 17 April 2022


 Ok so I accidentally created a completely new Twitter account. They sent me instructions on how to delete it but let me tell you how hard it is. Its hard. 

Yeah, that's me being understated. I gave up after a short frustrated rant. Funny thing is, I can access my normal TEN YEAR OLD account on my phone and my older computer. I can't on the computer I accidentally created the new account on. 

So, how was everyone's holiday weekend. Cold I bet. Its Easter Sunday as I type this but yesterday I went out to a park to take some pictures and try and get a handle on the camera that comes with my new cell phone. It has a zoom. This counts as exciting. 

Problem being it was nice for a walk but it was also a bit brisk and my fingers got cold enough for me to not be able to work the camera. I love my home and yes I am aware that Toronto is lucky compared to Manitoba who got hit with a dang snow storm this week. 

I did enjoy the trip out mind you. A dog showed me his stick. He was very pleased with it. 


This was taken today. I did a whole you tube with this as a part but Blogger said it was to big so I picked this one.  Its how I feel right now. Chilly and waiting for something good to happen.

If you want to see the full video check my you tube channel by clicking the link below.

Stay warm. Eat lots of chocolate eggs. Brush your teeth. 

Remember it will eventually get warmer. 

Sunday, 3 April 2022

When you get really tired.

     Anyone and everyone is really tired right now. I'm not talking physically tired. I'm not talking about those in war zones. I'm talking about the rest of us trying to have normal lives after two years and more of not normal lives. We are all tired deep down inside and M&Ms and Netflix isn't helping as much anymore.

    These days you can't comment on a Facebook post without someone calling you out and saying, well these people have it worse. Yup Mr. Sanctimonious I know that but it doesn't make me feel better. Its like telling a person to cheer up. Nowhere in the history of cheering up, has anyone been cheered up, by being told to cheer up. 

    I'm not talking about depression that's another subject which I am demonstrably unqualified to write about. Its something else and I think we need a deal.

1) You have a right to feel like crap. 

2) You don't have an obligation not to feel like crap just because others are far worse off.

3) Other people should just admit that pointing out the above doesn't help and a lot of the time it just substitutes for really listening to the why of another person.  

    Statements about having a right to be down notwithstanding, its not a bad idea to think of things that have made you feel better and do them. Action usually helps me. I know reading helps others. So, lets profile another book. 

    Below is a nice short light read perfect for cloudy, rainy, tired days.

    A man grieving over the loss of his wife and the loss of his job through retirement takes the advice of a caring friend and begins to build a new life. Also there's ghost mice.

Find it at this link or of the link isn't working my amazon page. That link is below.