Thursday, 21 July 2022

mid summer

    We're a little less than two weeks away from the mid point of summer 2022. In some parts of the world its hot as the devils back door and in other parts people are trying very hard to blow each other up. 

    The Republican party in the USA is trying to set up an oligarchy and is busy convincing the very poor who grew up with to much lead in their drinking water that its a good idea.  In Canada conservatives look to the south with longing and proceed to try and smear anyone that tries to take care of the environment or the people in general.  

    Understand this is just a list I have no ability to draw any conclusions and even less ability to come up with any solutions. I think government is there to serve all the people not just the rich that give them money so they can run election campaigns. I think past historic wrongs need to be addressed not erased. I think the same for current wrongs if it comes to that. 

    Its no wonder that fantasy and horror is so big these days. What's better to distract yourself from the fact that you may never be able to afford to live without a room mate or even more than one than a nice horror novel. The guy dedicating himself to paving farmland and green space is nothing compared to a good monster under the stairs.

    Below is my recent effort in that arena. I don't do hard horror so if you are looking for a lot of blood and guts its not for you.  What we have here are three novellas under one title. Honestly I think I did this just because I loved the title. The basic theme is what's worse, the monster that is easily recognizable as a monster, or the human that is in reality a monster? Kind of like a conservative politician really. Are they really worried about the bottom line or do they just not care about the fact that way to many people are one pay check away from living in a dumpster?  

In here you will find my novellas. 

Live Stream

The House in the Wood

Hey Come Here

If you want you can get them on their own. Check out my amazon page link below. Actually the stories started out as screen plays but lockdown gave me the time to adapt them.

Check this out at

Wednesday, 6 July 2022


 How do you plan for the future? -I'll be danged if I know. I have enough problems with the present.- is probably not a good answer. 

People of substance love nothing better than talking down to people who have very little. They also love singing the song of planning. Cool. Great. Lovely. You want to fill in the gaps on that concept? How does one plan, when even if you have a full five days scheduled on a work week, you might not have even one full day, because you get sent home early, because business is slow? How do you plan if you don't know from week to week how many of those possible full days you might be scheduled to work? One? Four? Zip?

Understand, I am not hitting at businesses here. They're just trying to stay alive. Without the small and medium sized business of the world most of us wouldn't have any income at all. (Not touching on big business that's a whole other blog post) Its the preachers of toxic and increasingly unrealistic positivity I'm throwing stones at.   

Anyway planning. I have been making plans regarding the small amount of my life I have any control over. I have finished polishing three novellas. I have published them under three separate covers. Next week I will be publishing them under a single anthology title Monsters Human Monsters Inhuman. 

Here's the covers. 

They can be found on my amazon page you can download or order the paper back. If you like you can wait and get all three at once under one cover. 

Link to my page is below. . 

Friday, 1 July 2022

Fire Works

    I'm writing this on Canada day 2022. For the first time in two years there are Canada day celebrations happening today and tonight there are going to be fire works. I love fire works and luckily I live right across from a small park that is designated in this area to be a place with a public display.  In past years I have been home and making tea before the first city bus arrives to take people away. 

    Of course every time I comment on social media that I am eager to have the fire works back I get inundated with negativity. Its bad for pets, PTSD sufferers, the environment you name it. Sure they have a point but its like listening to a vegan tell you why its bad to eat cheese. 

    Then there's the indigenous community saying very loudly we shouldn't celebrate Canada at all. I'm no expert in these things but it seems to me that if you don't celebrate what you have you will never have the desire to make it better. A lot of bad has happened in the past but creating reconciliation is complicated and tends to insist on both parties allowing that ether side has a right to exist. 

    Not easy I will grant you. 

     We do still exist however and hopefully we will continue to exist. Just like fireworks. Mind you I'd be completely open to a new kind that have been invented that are pretty without the big bangs. I'd be good with that. 

    Since its Canada day lets have a mention of a Canadian story. Well its a ghost story set in Toronto. 

    Corktown is a novella set in downtown Toronto. There is a very nice stone church which originally had a grave yard behind it. Times changed and the land was needed for something else so the graves were moved elsewhere. The thing is there were at least two typhoid fever pits in this yard, relics of the diaspora caused by the potato famine.  Do you think they sifted the dirt to get every bone? 


    Whats on that spot now? A grade school and a school yard. If that's not a setting for a ghost story I don't know what is. Check it out and more on my amazon page link below this space. 

    Oh and a word to those who live to say negative things about stuff other people love. That balloon you are poking holes in might be something that is helping someone keep it together. Maybe think before you stab.