Thursday 11 August 2022

Dear Diary

 It occurs to me that this is the closest I have ever in my life come to having a diary. Oh sure I had them given to me when I was a kid. They were usually pink with a fairy on the cover and a little key.  

Then when I got older people started telling me, "You should JOURNAL you really should, it makes you feel SO much better!"

I've never understood how examining how shit life can be at times and writing it down makes you feel better. That's why I write fiction. I control the reality there and can put my hero(s) into problems then get them out. For me fiction is action. Yes moping around sometimes happens but action helps fix things. 

There's even a scientific real world parallel. Dopamine is the feel good hormone. You get it when you have a chance to talk about yourself or even write about yourself (Okay maybe journaling can do something but not for me. I follow my late mothers rule, never write anything down you wouldn't want to be printed in the front page of the newspaper.) 

Conveniently, another way of getting dopamine is physical activity. You don't need much either. Last spring I bought myself a teen/adult sized kick scooter. (no motor) Its a bit small but I have no real way of knowing if the ones you see on line are any bigger so I'm running with this one. 

Its great. My knees are much better, so is my balance and I feel a buzz after every work out. Fifteen minutes at the beginning of the day can get my brain going. 

Here's a book to get your brain going. 

Well going slowly it is summer. Its a fun examination of what can happen if you write to much down and leave it for the next generation to deal with. Two 5 star reviews. 

Find it on my amazon page listed below. 

Monday 8 August 2022


    We're well and truly into August now and I have a few thoughts. The first one is easy. The world hasn't come to an end. Not yet at least. YA! 

    The second one is a little less obvious. The one thing about August I always remember, beside the fact that its the month with my birthday, is the fact it stops being so burn the pavement hot. This month is not following that general trend. I just spent a night almost sleeping with the fan off and not sleeping at all with the fan on. 

    It's not the first time I've had to work with maybe two hours actual sleep. Insomnia in general is an old acquaintance of mine. Most of the time it happens when I've had to much caffeine from various sources generally cola, in the winter tea. Sometimes its not being able to turn my brain off and stop thinking about stuff I can do nothing about. Its never fun no matter what the reason. 

    I prefer if I'm awake to lay quietly and run the action of a book through my head so I know what I'm doing the next time I sit down to write. Right now I'm finishing off a ghost story. The first draft will be a little less than 40 thousand words. This sounds like a lot but commercial sized novels are usually twice that size or more. Its the nature of the way I write. The first draft is almost always a lot shorter than the last. 

    I just finished publishing a book. My first dystopian novel.

     Mankind has resorted to an unnatural level of control to weed out anti social activity. The result of this control is not only tragedy but a weakening of the walls between worlds and the monsters of man's early past are starting to return. 

Find it on my amazon page, the link is below.

Also check out my You Tube page.