Sunday, 19 June 2022


    Universal Basic Income: this is the idea that if you give people a basic amount of money, enough to pay rent and eat, that will give them the freedom to actually live. In Canada I think the proposed amount is two thousand a month. For the record that's more than what I make working close to full time. 

    A lot of people have posted on Facebook threads talking about UBI that amount to "I work why shouldn't they?" The problem is, We Do Work; but the hours we're given don't cover the necessities never mind any extras like say a decent winter coat or boots that don't leak after you've worn them for a month. 

    Those people might be two or three pay checks away from the street well I have news for them we're closer. Some people I know have student loans that they will be paying for out their government pensions because the jobs they have don't pay enough to pay those loans off. Forget about buying a home getting married or having kids. 

    I only mention government pensions because most work places don't have pension plans anymore. They haven't had them since conservative governments of the western world sold people the thought that unions were taking money and giving back nothing. I'm old I remember when they were doing it. 

    They blamed the unions for companies sending jobs to other countries when it was the owners of those companies that got angry that they had to take care of their workers instead of chewing them up and spitting them out like the good old days. Ah the Victorian Era when you could send a nine year old into a coal mine without some bleeding heart getting in the way. 

    I also have a penny to drop regarding those people fighting UBI who are angry that someone has thought up a way for people to not struggle like they've always done. If you really are that close to the edge depending on the rules they come up with you might be eligible too. Worried that you are going to be the ones to pay for it? If you are worried you probably don't make enough to be worried. 

    Stop being vindictive and really look at what is being proposed. This thing is even good for the people who will be paying. 

    Automation is not going away and if you discount the above mentioned jobs sent overseas scenario, its the real reason so many of those good paying jobs we miss have gone. UBI steps in and props up the jobs that are left. 

    There's also a comment to add about the economy as a whole. Stores empty? Groceries not selling? Restaurants laying off workers because of low business? Fun places closing because of low turn out? The rich don't keep those things running. There aren't enough rich to do that. It's the rest of us that make the economy work. 

    If we don't have the money we stick to survival mode and we don't go out, we buy only what we have to and the economy suffers. Survival mode is what turned the 1929 recession into a long term (great) depression that only the spending going to war could cure. UBI adds to the small jobs that far to many of us have and lets us take part and that keeps the country moving. 

    Don't really have a book that goes with this subject so lets just remind you about my book of short stories.

This is a collection of hyper short works that would fit perfectly on any cell phone kindle app. Don't pay attention to the people around you. Read something. 

Tuesday, 7 June 2022


 These days everything is ongoing. Nothing happens fast then stops. The ongoing war in Ukraine creates an ongoing energy crisis, food crisis, stock market crisis and who knows how many dominoes will fall before the game is over. 

Then there is the ongoing gun problem in the land of the free and the home of the well armed. I have from time to time watched a show that shadows real life boarder agents as they process people coming into Canada. Its kind of sad sometimes. Its also very funny when you get an American who has their AK 47 plus ammunition taken off them because if you come north to hunt moose you shouldn't be armed like an extra from an 80s action movie.  They get such a blank look on their faces when they learn, you can't do that here.  

Things have always been ONGOING of course its just that we have never been so completely informed of these ongoing things. We used to get a break but from the beginning of 24 hour news hour brains have been pounded with information both tragic and pointless. 

Lets create our own break and read something. 

I have written and self published two series with female heroes. The clip has the titles and covers. Birth of the Goddess; which incidentally is my first and most rewritten before being published book. Is the first book in a series of four. The story arch begins with the creation of my hero and ends with everyone involved having their mental feet on the ground. Adventure has happened, love has happened, and goodness knows what the future will bring. I'm open to doing more but no ideas have presented themselves.

Time Walker my other series did insist on a fifth book being written. Scenes kept showing up in my mind saying WRITE ME I'M EPIC. So I did. 

I could say a lot more but I'll just point you toward my amazon page. If you like heroes that don't wear capes and don't fit into the Marvel or DC unaverse give them a try.

My page is at      or you can click the link down at the bottom of the page