These days everything is ongoing. Nothing happens fast then stops. The ongoing war in Ukraine creates an ongoing energy crisis, food crisis, stock market crisis and who knows how many dominoes will fall before the game is over.
Then there is the ongoing gun problem in the land of the free and the home of the well armed. I have from time to time watched a show that shadows real life boarder agents as they process people coming into Canada. Its kind of sad sometimes. Its also very funny when you get an American who has their AK 47 plus ammunition taken off them because if you come north to hunt moose you shouldn't be armed like an extra from an 80s action movie. They get such a blank look on their faces when they learn, you can't do that here.
Things have always been ONGOING of course its just that we have never been so completely informed of these ongoing things. We used to get a break but from the beginning of 24 hour news hour brains have been pounded with information both tragic and pointless.
Lets create our own break and read something.
I have written and self published two series with female heroes. The clip has the titles and covers. Birth of the Goddess; which incidentally is my first and most rewritten before being published book. Is the first book in a series of four. The story arch begins with the creation of my hero and ends with everyone involved having their mental feet on the ground. Adventure has happened, love has happened, and goodness knows what the future will bring. I'm open to doing more but no ideas have presented themselves.
Time Walker my other series did insist on a fifth book being written. Scenes kept showing up in my mind saying WRITE ME I'M EPIC. So I did.
I could say a lot more but I'll just point you toward my amazon page. If you like heroes that don't wear capes and don't fit into the Marvel or DC unaverse give them a try.
My page is at or you can click the link down at the bottom of the page
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