Saturday, 5 November 2022


    The things we do evolve. Frankly if they don't evolve you are in trouble. It means you aren't learning and growing. That's a bad thing. It tends to result in a kind of mental atrophy that thinks voting conservative is okay and thinking that since you had a hard time growing up, young people today should because it gave you character. There are better ways to develop character; like learning and growing as a person.  

    Back to me. I have changed what I do with my you tube channel. My channel took off a couple of years ago when fate put me within using distance of a basic editing program. I would go out and take videos of Toronto; it's nooks and crannies and interesting bits. I would then put it together with some sort of poetry. 

    After a couple of years of that I came to realize that I really didn't have much more to show or comment on. Then I managed to save up enough to buy a cell phone. Yes I know you can get them for zero down but my income is a bit random. I can't depend on having phone money month to month I would always have to buy the unit outright.

    By the way I say "took off" but that really just means it suddenly had stuff on it. I had maybe six subscribers and most of what I posted was never viewed. Then a big thing happened. I gave up my home phone which I was paying to much for any way and while I was at it gave up my cable TV. In the process of learning how to use the phone I discovered it had an audio recorder. 

    This put me in a fork in the road position. I took the path that didn't have me doing the same old thing. I am now reading my flash fiction and filming visuals that match the stories. I hate my voice but lacking anyone else's voice its me or nothing. The visuals are an approximation primarily because I am my own crew and camera man. I don't have anyone to play actor. I tried to do that too but there's a limit to what you can do with a selfie stick. 

    I know if I keep going I will have to take the next step and talk someone else to be in front of the camera (cell phone). In the mean time I have gone from almost no subscribers to twenty six. I'm evolving.   

    For now the stories I use are from here; 

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