Monday, 28 February 2022

Rome Fell

 This morning I unfriended someone on Facebook. I don't often do that. They were posting the shots from Ukraine of several notable persons including a beauty contest winner all with flack jackets etc and making sneering comments.  Possibly in an effort to be fair and balanced he posted that one of Vlad on the horse with his shirt off but the comment on that seemed slightly less negative somehow. Were they propaganda? Sure, probably. Is Miss Ukraine manning a post shooting at tanks? Who knows. 

Bottom line is it doesn't matter. You don't look down at people using what tools they have while a bully is blowing the shit out of their homeland. 

Lets talk about a book. 

Snap shots is an excellent introduction to the way my mind works. Its a novella sized, collection of very short works; flash fiction and smaller. If you hang out on line long enough you end up writing these for various web sites that post monthly contests. For example; 500 words using a different point of view top three get published. 

Near the end of last year I found I had quite a lot of them so I celebrated the end of a second year of covid by bundling them together. Most are a bit longer than originally written because I went over them and made them a bit more complete but all are still very short. 

Put the Kindle app on your phone and download it. Now that they're starting to lift mask mandates from public transit you're going to want something to hide behind. 

In the mean time someone tell the czar of all the Russias that he can't have the soviet union back. Rome fell and so did the USSR. 

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