Some city council in some distant past decided it would be nifty if Toronto had a winter festival in Feb. This is a great idea on the surface of it. Its gray, its cold, its to far from spring, lets just make the best of things. Lets go down town and see the ice sculptures and have a hot chocolate. Great idea; top notch, it even works half the time.
Toronto is a city on the north half of lake Ontario. Because of this we have our own micro climate. This can result in, for example, everywhere around us digging out from a three foot dumping of snow and us getting out the broom to deal with a light dusting.
February can hand us one of three different climates. Sometimes all in the same week. In general we can get at least a short, one or two day, sometimes week long, melt. It can also have reassuringly normal winter weather, brisk, sunny - nice if you dress for it- winter festival day material. Then there's the February days where the figure the artist is ice sculpting seems to say, "What the heck are you doing out here its freezing!"
People from Montreal and Ottawa tend to laugh at our relationship to the weather. Talk to a transplanted Montrealer and you will hear in vivid details the depth of the snow drifts they walked through to get to school; in May. Its like talking to your grandparents about walking to school no matter how bad it is out they had/have it worse and coped with it better.
Mind you Canada does in general have a thing against Toronto.
That's one of the things I played with in this one. Aliens take Toronto down a peg and several condo buildings go splat. Of course it also has what I think are the most Canadian super hero's yet. They are alien human hybrid's who take control of the powers their alien side give them and defend earth from their army of baby daddies. What could be more Canadian than an interspecies hero flying through the sky on a snow board?
In the mean time its raining. Which is great until it freezes turning the sidewalks to skating rinks. Tell you what you read this book I'll go write another one.
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