Thursday, 13 January 2022

True Out

 January and the doldrums have arrived. Makes me miss the first lockdown when I was living on the Covid money and didn't have the proper equipment to telecommute so I spent several months writing and crocheting. And napping. I am feeling a great nostalgic draw toward the concept of napping. That being said I have a shift in an hour so lets talk about a book.

The idea for True Out came from a screen writing class. It was one of those one day events that are supposed to draw you in and take the longer and more expensive class. I didn't primarily because I cant afford that sort of thing. To arrive at the place w here they were teaching the class you went in one door of a converted factory and followed a long strange hallway till you finally found the right door. 

This gave me the idea for my underground world in True Out. In case your interested I wrote the screenplay then the novel. My hero Mic escapes from this underground world to find a very different and to him unbelievably rich surface world.  He has to learn a completely new language not to mention get menially used to the concept of space and a sky but he does and in time makes a life. 

Then he looks up and the blue sky with fluffy white clouds vanishes for a moment and he sees a slate grey metal roof. Its only a flash but its real and in a world that has nothing like air travel he has no way of getting to that roof and the True Out. 

you can find it at the link above or go to my amazon page 

You can't nap at work but you can read on your break.

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