Monday, 10 January 2022

make a start

 As I write this I am two hours away from the start of my first shift of 2022. Typically after not writing anything new in weeks I wrote the first chapter of a possible new book on the weekend. I am therefore resenting the robbing away of the next eight hours. On the flip side of that; money is good. What's also good is the discipline of having to get up, turn on the work computer and push my brain into some kind of extra level of activity. 

The fact is, most writers, even writers published by conventional publishers, have day jobs.  More of them do now that ever before because book stores have changed the way they put books on shelves and for instance only have the first book of a given series or perhaps only one or two books from a given author. Any interested customers would have to order the rest. Sure some readers do but not in the same amounts. I've heard tales of authors who haven't had to think about a day job in years, having to get out the want ads because the sales just aren't there anymore.

Its been quite a few days since I last posted anything. Nothing exciting has happened. Well, when you get right down to it nothings happened.  Its winter. Its cold out. There's a plague and they brought back the extra measures to try and stem this next wave. I kind of resent that because it got in the way of meeting friends for a new years movie afternoon. We did a Christmas movie. It was great. 

The fact is this bug is adapting to the human condition and in time will just be a dangerous flu you need to get a shot for every year. I can live with that I get an ordinary flu shot anyway.  Viruses are living things and it makes no evolutionary sense for a virus to kill its host. 

In the mean time its January, its cold and spring is a long way off. I'm going to leave you now and get ready to answer phones. I'll also day dream about ghosts haunting buildings that used to be owned by bootleggers.

When life gets to you remember this guy. He think its crap as well so at least you've got company. 

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