I have a circle of friends. This is me bragging. No really it is. For most of my life I was not able to say that. Mostly I had a scattering of acquaintances that I knew through school, a given activity or a relative.
Friendship is strange when you're an adult. Most of us spend a painful amount of time doing stuff at a job. Sometimes its a job we like and you can call it a career. Even if you're lucky enough to have a career those things tend to get in the way of a terrible amount of human interaction. They do tend to pay for things mind you so that's good.
Beyond jobs or careers, life itself gets in the way; shopping, cleaning, pets, kids, family obligations, you name it. Then you have to factor into the equation the fact that most of us are raging introverts. We love getting together with friends but doing it can be a headache. (think herding cats only cats that say but I have to do that or this or I work that day)
As introverts we also have that cocooning pull. Going out into the world just takes one so far away from ones crafts, snacks and the stack of DVDs.
Then there's the practical considerations of income. Not all of us can do a given thing. We do tend to insist on pictures so we can share. Pictures are good particularly if the thing involves a trip to the zoo.
Because of COVID doing any kind of thing has been reduced to the status of few and far between. A bunch of us gathered at my birthday for a movie. That was two years ago when I turned 60.
Then COVID hit. Recently some of us have done things in ones and twos. Then Christmas came up and we realized we needed to do a movie. We saw the new Ghostbusters. Even though most of us had seen it anyway we wanted to see it together.
There were six of us. We sat in the back row on every other seat. We sang the Ghostbusters theme. We cheered when saw the ghost that kind of looked like slymer. Whenever the film hit a plot point that was there just to look back to the original we clapped. We were in a theater with maybe 15 other people, all younger and we were the ones making noise. It was great.
They weren't selling popcorn because of tightening restrictions but I bought these.
They were on sale.
Don't start.
If I want a stuffed Millennium Falcon I can have a stuffed Millennium Falcon.
I needed Olaf to fly the falcon.
So there.
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