Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Year End

 Its time for wrapping up projects and seeing how far you have gotten down that road of life. Considering the past couple of years mind you I think we all should congratulate ourselves simply for still breathing. Normally, though I have a habit of lowing my expectations for life, simply still being alive would be low even for me. Right now, I think its pretty good.

On to the end of year adding up. I finished the major project of the year. That project would be the collection of three novellas which I mentioned a few blogs back. I haven't published it yet because around the day I finished, I found out that a big name press had an open window for unagented submissions. Probably a waste of time but you never know when lightning will strike so I sent the book off.

This left me without anything to publish however and I wanted to do SOMETHING by year end. Cue the montage of gathering up stuff sitting on my hard disk that didn't fit into anything else. Two weeks worth of polishing and a lot of copy and pasting produced a small volume of what is loosely described as flash fiction. 

Flash fiction can be simply described as very short, short stories. Depending on the publication they run anything from 500 words up to around 1000. In polishing the work I did make the pieces a bit longer than originally written. That being said nothing in the book is longer than two thousand words.  Formal short stories are generally much longer.

At any rate I have managed to do a thing and feel good about that thing. 

You can get it digitally or on paper.  

find it at 

Happy New Year, get yourself some chocolates and order a pizza or maybe some Chinese food. You don't want to go out. Its way to peopley out there. 

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