Saturday, 4 December 2021

Adventure planning

 I have decided to attend a fan convention with my books in the spring.  This is not a small thing. The convention is in the smaller city where my daughter lives which is a three hour bus ride from Toronto. There's no fee for the table but since I don't drive this will require bus fair there and back. Big secret, not cheap. 


Also not cheap is the simple fact I will have to buy my stock. I've started stocking up now and I have decided to concentrate on the novellas. I'll have post card sized hand outs to direct people to the rest of my work on amazon. 

The whole thing wont be cheap at all but it will be an adventure and after the past two years, sitting behind a desk, wearing a cloth mask and knitting while a crowd wanders past wondering who the heck I am counts as an adventure. When you factor in this COVID thing is not going away, I think adventure counts as a descriptor. 

Bottom line is when you are an unknown author, you have self published because you spent twenty years trying NOT to self publish and failed; you have to do your own PR. A table at Toronto's Fan Expo is eye wateringly expensive. I need to work my way up.

Adventure here I come. 

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