Wednesday, 10 November 2021


 Toronto is a city on lake Ontario. Its a large lake. On a clear day you can see a fuzzy mirage that is pretending to be New York State. That's not New York state in the picture by the way its part of a spit that has to do with industrial shipping. 

When I was a kid directions were simple. North was the suburbs. South was the lake. East was away from Young St. and West was toward Young St. 

There was and still is, a general center of the city that had all the good stuff like the Art Gallery, Eaton's department store and the Royal Ontario Museum. Eaton's faded away after 130 years but the gallery and the museum are still with us. 

Beyond the center of the city is THE WEST END. 

There is a strange cultural thing about Toronto. East enders don't really know about the west end and generally don't go there. West enders are the same about the east end. Because of the groups that settled in the various neighborhoods we have slightly different histories and populations. We are joined by one overwhelming feeling that the bus doesn't come nearly often enough and having a subway closer would be really good. (Even though we don't want to put up with the years of disruption it would require not to mention the cost.)

We also tend to think that the down town people are a bit spoilt. 

But that's Toronto. Remember if you walk south and your feet get wet you've gone to far. 

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