Friday, 5 November 2021

Least We Forget

 In Canada the day we mark military conflict and our service people in general is November 11. I believe Americans have several days we have this one. It stems from the official ending day and time of the first world war. The war officially ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Probably picked for its memorable qualities by a bunch of politicians and statesmen with high collars and long white mustaches. 

It is of course but that's small compensation for the guy that got shot dead one minute to eleven. I can't remember his name or where it was but he died because some suits wanted the nastiest, bloodiest, most pointless conflict in history up until that time to have a memorable end. 

Nit pickers can point out some continued hostilities that happened in I think Africa but communication wasn't as dependable back then as it is now. Also its always possible some locals were getting a head start on the job of kicking the Europeans out of their country but that's another story that I am massively unqualified to comment on.

When I am not working I like to try and go down to Old City Hall for services. Toronto has three, Old City Hall (now used as a court house) New City Hall and Metro Hall. 

Its very effecting to stand in a cold blocked off street among a few hundred people and listen to a bugler play the last post. 

They mark the Boer War (the first time the Dominion of Canada fought with a separate force as opposed to men being mixed with British Forces) World War One, and Two, Korea, Pease Keepers and everything since. 

At 11 there is a moment of silence and a flyover. These are vintage planes and among them is the Lancaster. Its the last Lancaster bomber that can fly and the sound it makes feels of history.

War isn't history though so in the meantime remember. 

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