Friday, 19 November 2021

Where we put the dead.

 On a side note my insomniac self found out last night that the You Tube app on my bottom of the line android tablet does not work anymore, is no longer supported by You Tube and there's no way to download a replacement. I can still watch You Tube on the thing I just have to access it via Google. Problem being the background is blinding white. This is not good for someone who just wants a blur of words to distract her from her own brain so she can get to sleep or back to sleep. 

                                                                        RIP APP

On to actual death. Not a cozy topic but it does tend to catch up with one. Really old cemeteries actually can be very interesting. That fellow up there is near the entrance to Mount Pleasant Cemetery in mid town Toronto.  Not sure why he's there but he does tend to epitomize the hidden feeling you get when you either have to go to a funeral or have to organize one. My parents have passed but I didn't have much say in what happened (long story). I do remember the vivid feeling of "Oh hell now what"? 

Don't remember the story on this fella either. Seems to be above it all doesn't he? 

Where we put the dead can actually be very interesting. Hence the cemetery tour.  Over in Europe I have been walked through the standard catacomb tours. They weren't just places for early Christians to hide they were places to lay dear Uncle Commodus out on a shelf. Fancy going to a religious service two tunnels over from a fresh internment? I wouldn't.  

Toronto is a young city in a relatively young country but we have some keen Toronto tours.

The couple I have gone on were led by an American Archeologist who is in the process of getting his Canadian citizenship. He's great and has learned a lot about who is in Toronto's plots.  

I think my favorite story is about a stone set simply to remember someone because there is no body underneath it. The man remembered there had more bad luck than is strictly speaking reasonable. Then he inherited a bundle and decided to heck with it he was going to see the world. He did see the world and in the process got sick as a dog. To sick to walk. He was carried aboard the boat to cross the Atlantic. That boat? The Titanic. 

Come to think of it coping with changing apps is a problem I can handle after all. 

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