Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Random stuff.

 Several things are bugging me this evening. A big one is one of my knees has decided to go out without permission and I spent some of the afternoon using a cane and trying to convince it to return to its appointed job. We all get our own special problems as we get older. I seem to have been assigned knees that don't want to work. Covid in general has had me delaying going to the doctor but I will eventually have it looked at in the mean time "grumble grumble stupid joints."

Seriously your average rooster has the right idea. Do what you want, complain to the sun if it wakes you up and if you get annoyed by life, scream and scratch at the annoyance till it goes away. 

Recently I got told on Facebook that someone had made a duplicate of my page presumably for hacker reasons. I announced the problem to the people I am connected to then went on a fever of password changing just in case that was a factor. 

Deep down I have to admit the passwords had been the same for way to long but changing them was a bug I didn't need. I'll tell you something else I didn't need. My hands automatically typing the old password in different spots then having to go CRAP then type the new one. 

Seriously if you are typing a password without thinking its probably time to change the thing.

On a holiday note my daughter lives in a whole other town. Of the handful of times she makes the trip to Toronto one is Christmas day. Generally we see a movie then come home have dinner and she goes home the next day. A nice Jewish Christmas. The only thing more cheche would be if we went out for Chinese food. 

Last year she stayed home of course and that probably got her thinking. This year she's coming a few weeks early instead because frankly traveling at Christmas is a nightmare.  So enjoy your weekend Christmas shopping. We'll be at the movies watching Ghost Busters.  

Let the December madness begin. 

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