Sunday, 17 October 2021

Its Sunday Lets do something.

 When you're younger that tends to be the feeling. I don't have to work/go to school, today lets DO SOMETHING.  Generally you don't have the money to do anything really good so you have to compromise and togetherness happens. I'm writing this at ten thirty in the morning. I have got up got dressed, had breakfast, connected with a woman who picked up two reusable shopping bags full of knitting that I produced in the past year and a half. I still have two other bags but they have been promised to someone else. A hand off on that will happen MAYBE Tuesday. (watch this space for bulletins) 

Yesterday in spite of questionable weather I managed to get down town and do some filming. I based a novella of mind on a location where there is a Catholic grade school next to a very fine old church. I want to call it a cathedral but a cathedral is where a bishop is in charge and that's somewhere else. It may have been a cathedral in the past but at this point its just an extra nice church and at one point it had a grave yard which included fever pits. 

In the mid 18 somethings Toronto started getting its share of potato famine immigrants and sadly typhoid fever traveled along with them. When they decided to put a grade school there they moved the bodies from the church yard to somewhere else and paved over the graveyard to make a playground. 

I learned all this from a Docent who was a volunteer tour guide doing historical tours around the city for the Royal Ontario Museum. I learned lots of cool stuff on this tour. The city planners decided to name that area Corktown, not as i thought because it had an over abundance of people fond of the bottle.  The first and biggest wave of Irish happened to come from county Cork. 

What stuck in my head was the simple fact that I doubt the people moving the bodies bothered to sift the soil to pick up every little bone. My writers brain instantly translated that into a ghost story screaming to be written.

So I did. 


Anyway the video clips I took yesterday will go together to make a promo video I hope to put on the amazon page for this book. Not sure when that will happen. 

If your interested in the book in the mean time you can go to 

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