Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Public Art

 There's a lot of different kinds of public art. There's the kind that comes at the end of an illicit spray can. That sort can actually be quite striking but for the most part I find it a bit messy. That's just me though you have a right to differ. 

Sometimes there is what I like to call accidental art. This is a collection of things or images that should be called art but aren't and frequently go unnoticed. 

This was not intended to be art. Someone just stuck a fur collar on a bike stand in the middle of winter a few years ago. I call it the super model. 

Then there is the stuff that is intended to be art but is kind of confusing. 

Mr. Clown head here was part of a city wide over night art fest called Noi Blanch. (French readers will pardon my spelling I hope) Not sure what it was supposed to represent but it was odd and of course gone the next day. Of course some art is more understandable and is meant to last.


If you look for it, just about any kind of art does its job. It makes you think. Sometimes its  nice soft thoughts like the sort generated by Mr Bronze Puppy here. Others are more problematic like Mr. Squish Faced clown. Thinking is the point. If you just want an image you can click and you have it. Art is or should be something more.

Now if you will excuse me I'm needed in another dimension. 

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