Thursday, 7 October 2021

The things you start.

 The things you start when you are bored and then forget. I apparently connected to this site a long time ago and then completely forgot. Gee what has happened since then.


But back to people not going crazy and refusing the thing that would stop them from dying if they get sick. Honestly you get the Polio shot don't you guys? How many people are in iron lungs these days ONE. That guy has been in it since the fifties. 

On to things that aren't stupid. I have an amazon page now and a lot of self published books. I also have some books published with a couple of small presses. I don't sell very well but you cant win them all. Some day my time will come. It may come after my death a la Philip Dick but it will come. 

I'll close out with two things I overheard recently. One odd one cute.


WOMAN; well what happened

MAN; I was so wasted I didn't even know I'd been arrested. 


MOM (trying to get the three year old to move through the grocery at more than a snails pace) VIVA

GIRL Los Vegas


GIRL Los Vegas

Each time the kid said Los Vegas she'd bounce along a bit faster then slow down. 

Yeah that's life. Excuse me I need to go warm up my work computer. Thanks to Covid my job experimented with distance working. They like it so much I am now a dang hermit. 

I need a life. 

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