Friday, 22 October 2021


 Self help types always sing the value of journaling. I've never been quite sure what that entails. I think one is supposed to write down one's thoughts, dreams and feelings. I don't think this would have worked for me in the past. Not in the present either. Frankly what I would be writing down would simply reinforced a lot of negative stuff.  

No one wants to deal with that mess. Do positive people living happy busy lives get told to journal? Not sure about that but I suspect they're to busy doing all that living to scribble down LIFE IS GREAT.


I think this is the closest thing I will ever come to journaling and while it so far has tended to touch on what I think of the world I doubt it will get very personal. I'd rather be funny and honestly be it blog or journal I have this problem with writing things down that are really personal. Someone is going to read it and there will be problems.

Sure you can hide the books you write in away but sooner or later someone is going to stumble over them and then depending on what you've written there could be problems. Take my late mothers parents. (also late by the way) My grandfather kept a diary for years. In going through the mountain of things he left behind when he passed my grandmother found his diaries.  She read them. This was not a good thing. A mess if you will.


So while a lot of me will leak out into these little comments on life you wont be getting my dark side. I know my dark side. Trust me you aren't missing a thing. 

Cheap joke or sheep joke you decide.

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